
QL Muscle Strengthening: Beat Low Back Pain

The Quadratus Lumborum muscle (also known as the QL muscle) can cause back discomfort and refer pain to the hips and glutes. Having QL muscle weakness might result in persistent and bothersome back discomfort that can cause far too much trouble.

Here’s how to strengthen it and get rid of low back discomfort.

What is the function of your QL muscle?

It runs from the top of your pelvis (the iliac crest) to the bottom rib and the side of your spine. From there, it can help you stretch rearward, bend to the side, bend forward, and breathe.

Therefore, the QL has a lot of functions. Not only that, but because it attaches to all of your lumbar vertebrae and your pelvis, when it spasms, it may actually tug on your spine and raise one side of your pelvis, giving the impression that your “back is out.”


And guess what? The QL may be a tremendous annoyance.

Literally. Like many other muscles in the body, it causes discomfort elsewhere rather than where the true problem is. The QL sends pain into the buttocks and side of the hip, making it difficult to determine where the pain is originating from.

QL muscle dysfunction symptoms include:

  • Deep, throbbing pain in the low back, which is exacerbated by sitting or standing.
  • Coughing and sneezing cause pain.
  • When lying on your back, you may have pain on either side.
  • Pain in the groyne might resemble sciatica symptoms.
  • One side of your pelvis may be elevated higher than the other.

Exercises that strengthen the QL:

The side plank

Level 1: Hold

Hold a side plank to increase your QL endurance.

Strive for a one-minute hold (this is the aim; you might not be able to do it right away!).

Tip: Tuck your buttocks in instead of sticking them out.

.Level 2: Leg lifts

Step it up when you can comfortably hold a straight side plank for a minute.

Raise your hips into a side plank, then pull your upper leg up and down while still maintaining the side plank.

Try for three sets of ten reps, but you may need to start with less!

Tip: Avoid bringing your upper leg forward or pointing your toes up.

2. One sided farmers carry

The QL muscle on the other side of the weight you’re carrying is working hard to keep you upright in this position.

Do several laps while holding a dumbbell or kettlebell in one hand (e.g., 10 x 10m laps on each side)

Tip: Try to keep your balance!

That’s all there is to it. Easy. Incorporate those few movements into your routine at least three times each week to strengthen your QL muscle and help you fight back discomfort.


What is QL muscle strengthening?

QL muscle strengthening refers to exercises and techniques aimed at strengthening the quadratus lumborum (QL) muscles. The QL muscles are located on both sides of the lower back, connecting the rib cage to the pelvis. Strengthening these muscles can help alleviate low back pain and improve overall stability and function of the lower back.

Why is QL muscle strengthening important for low back pain?

The QL muscles play a crucial role in stabilizing the lower back and maintaining proper posture. Weak or tight QL muscles can contribute to imbalances and excessive strain on the lower back, leading to pain and discomfort. Strengthening these muscles helps to provide better support and stability to the lumbar spine, reducing the risk of low back pain.

What are some effective exercises for QL muscle strengthening?

There are several exercises that can help strengthen the QL muscles. These include side planks, lateral lunges, standing side bends, seated side bends, and quadruped QL lifts. It’s important to perform these exercises with proper form and technique to effectively target the QL muscles and avoid injury.

How often should QL muscle strengthening exercises be performed?

The frequency of QL muscle strengthening exercises can vary depending on individual needs and capabilities. In general, it’s recommended to perform these exercises 2-3 times per week. However, it’s important to listen to your body and not overexert yourself. If you experience any pain or discomfort during or after the exercises, it’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional.

Can QL muscle strengthening exercises be done at home?

Yes, QL muscle strengthening exercises can be done at home with minimal equipment. Many of the exercises mentioned earlier, such as side planks and lateral lunges, require little to no equipment and can be performed in the comfort of your home. However, if you’re unsure about the exercises or have a pre-existing condition, it’s always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional or a qualified fitness trainer.

Are there any precautions to consider when doing QL muscle strengthening exercises?

While QL muscle strengthening exercises can be beneficial, it’s important to exercise caution and consider certain precautions. If you have any existing back or spinal conditions, it’s recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new exercise program. Additionally, it’s crucial to use proper form, start with appropriate intensity, and progress gradually to avoid strain or injury.

Are QL muscle strengthening exercises suitable for everyone with low back pain?

QL muscle strengthening exercises can be helpful for many individuals with low back pain, but they may not be suitable for everyone. The underlying cause of low back pain can vary, and certain conditions may require specific treatment approaches or modifications to exercise routines. It’s best to consult with a healthcare professional or a physical therapist who can assess your specific situation and provide personalized recommendations.

QL muscle release – Exercise for low back pain

Quadratus Lumborum – Why it hurts and How to fix it